My Body My Pleasure:
A series of classes for girls and women.
Do you think you’re beautiful?
Do you LOVE your body and yourself?
Or, do you derive your self-worth solely from others’ admiration?

Many girls and women are needing to be
intoxicated for sexual contact…meaning
consent comes from anxiety, not arousal.
Access to porn is further distorting expectations
and causing participation in activities that may
be contrary to your values and intentions.
This may injure your sense of integrity and
self-worth at a time developmentally,
where self-concept is newly forming and fragile.
In the My Body My Pleasure workshop, you will learn that:
• Your body exists for your own pleasure, to fulfill your dreams, and not for the pleasure of another.
• You can feel beautiful from the inside by knowing how to enjoy your body. You don’t have to share your body in order to feel valuable, or to feel sexual pleasure.
• You don’t have to rely on another to feel the goodness of who you are. You can find this goodness, this pleasure, this aliveness, all by yourself.
Program Description:
8 1/2 hours
I offer two groups ages 16-18 for girls and 19-24 for women. The girls group includes a free one-hour introductory session for parents prior to registration. The program runs for 5 weeks and meets for 1.5 hours each week.
Topics covered will include:
Body self-acceptance
Finding your voice and asking for what you want
Uncovering false beliefs about self and one’s body
The physiology and anatomy of pleasure
Knowing your pleasure values
How to say ‘Yes’ to me, ‘No’ to you

Girls 16-18 Session Dates:
December 2, 2019 Parent Introductory Meeting
Sessions are Mondays, 8 to 9:30 pm
January 6, 13, 20, 27, February 4
Cost: $985
Group size is limited.
To Register for Parent Introductory Meeting
Contact Dr. Haessig
email: [email protected] or
TEXT Work cell: 973-800-9833
See for credentials